domingo, 23 de octubre de 2011

English homework.

Week from M. 24th to Th.27th
Monday: S.S.practice book p. 35 (Mandar un foto de su hija(o) con papás y hermanos (as).
Tuesday: Grammar: Repeat 2 times each verb list # 2 and make drawings.
Wednesday: Vocabulary: Numbers Write each number in words.
Thursday: Spelling: Repeat 2 times the short "a" words, and 2 times the long "a" words.Make drawings and color them.
Friday: No homewok.
Nota: El próximo lunes no habrá tarea,por la visita a Universum,  la pasaré para el viernes 4 de noviembre.
Happy Weekend for all!
Miss Lolita

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