lunes, 22 de junio de 2015

Temario Examen Grammar

1st grade                                                                                       Grammar guide

a.     Her name´s Amy.
His name´s David.                                                            Practice Book p. 7
b.     Is it an eraser? Yes, it is./ No, it isn´t.                                    Practice Book p. 9

c.      Where´s your brother? He´s in the bedroom.
Where´s your sister?  She´s in the kitchen.             Practice Book p. 43

d.     Prepositions: on, in, under, ne t to, behind             Practice Book pp.
45 & 120
e.     There is a peach.
There is an egg.                                                                Practice Book pp.
There are nine pears.                                                     52 & 54

f.       I like spaghetti.
I don´t like apples.                                                                      Practice Book p. 58

g.     I have a turtle.
Jay has a dog.
Ellie has a bird.                                                                 Practice Book p. 73

h.     Do you like cats? Yes, I do./ No, I don´t.                  Practice Book p. 75

i.        What´s it doing? It is running.
What´s she doing? She is skating.
What´s he doing? He is riding.                                     Practice Book p. 107

j.       singing, skating, swimming, jumping, riding, running, shopping, eating, talking, walking

k.     This flower is purple.
That flower is orange.
These butterflies are blue.
Those butterflies are brown.                                       Practice Book p. 123

l.        My name is Kate.
I am 6 years old.
I live in the country.
I have a fish.

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